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  • DENG Xingliang, CHANG Shaoying, LIU Zhiliang, WANG Mengxiu, CHEN Jiajun, DU Yifan
    Online available: 2024-09-12
    A fault‑fracture body is an important mode of occurrence in the deep carbonate reservoirs of the Fu‑ man Oilfield in the Tarim Basin. For such a body, there are problems such as unclear concepts, uncertain geo‑ logical models, and the lack of suitable seismic characterization. Therefore, by studying the outcrops, wells, seismic data and production dynamics data, this paper clarifies the connotation of fault‑fracture bodies and estab‑ lishes four geological development modes for ultra ‑deep carbonate oil and gas reservoirs with fault ‑fracture bodies. It also develops a smart technology for depicting internal seismic structures for ultra ‑ deep carbonate fault‑fracture bodies. The research results show that:①Fault‑fracture bodies possess three dimensions of con‑ notation. First, they mainly develop in the ultra ‑deep compact limestone strata in carbonate intracratonic plat‑ forms. Second, under the action of fracturing and faulting, they exhibit great internal porosity‑permeability sto‑ rage performance and diverse types of storage space (including fault ‑ fracture intergranular pores, cavities formed by the shearing and torsional action, and medium ‑ high angle fractures). Third, they exhibit favorable characteristics for the source connection of oil reservoirs and the migration of oil and gas, and oil reservoirs can extend to heights of kilometers, making them favorable locations for oil and gas accumulation in ultra‑deep com‑ pact limestone reservoirs. ② Fault ‑ fracture bodies develop six types of fault structural elements, which form four internal structure modes, including a single sliding surface, a pressure bulge core belt, a shearing and tor‑ sional cavity, and a lattice ‑like fracture network. ③ Conditional adversarial deep learning networks can effec‑ tively depict the internal structure of fault‑fracture bodies, and the predicted results have geological significance and are highly consistent with actual conditions. This achievement has been well applied in actual production, and it has practical and promotional values for the efficient exploration and development of fault‑fracture bodies.