Numerical simulation of three-component elastic wavefield in 2D TTI media in the condition of the combined boundary

DU Qi-zhen, SUN Rui-yan, ZHANG Qiang

Oil Geophysical Prospecting ›› 2011, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2) : 187-195.

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Oil Geophysical Prospecting ›› 2011, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2) : 187-195.

Numerical simulation of three-component elastic wavefield in 2D TTI media in the condition of the combined boundary

  • DU Qi-zhen1, SUN Rui-yan1, ZHANG Qiang2
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In this work,based on the rotated staggered grid high-order finite-difference schemes of the first-order velocity-stress elastic wave equation,three-component elastic wavefield in the 2D TTI(Tilted Transverse Isotropy) media is simulated after combining NPML(Non-splitting Perfect Match Layers) absorption condition and the free-surface boundary condition.The snapshot and synthetic records illustrate: 1.The NPML absorption condition can efficiently attenuate near-surface incidence waves and evanescent waves;2.Comparison with the NPML absorption condition,the combined boundary conditions not only attenuate boundary reflections,but also accurately simulate free-surface situation and obtain full waves seismic data.Among these waves,PS converted wave as a special phenomenon provide useful information for the near surface structure investigation and multi-wave wavefield analysis;3.Rayleigh surface wave and surface multiples generated in the free-surface boundary have an important influence on seismic imaging,thus the free surface condition should be taken account in seismic data processing.The simulation results indicate the numerical simulation of elastic wavefield in the 2D TTI media based on the combined boundary conditions is feasible and valid.

Key words

finite-difference scheme / rotated staggered grid / NPML(Non-splitting Perfect Match Layers) absorption condition / free-surface boundary condition / combined boundary conditions / TTI(Tilted Transverse Isotropy) media / first-order velocity-stress elastic wave equation / wavefield / numerical simulation

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DU Qi-zhen, SUN Rui-yan, ZHANG Qiang. Numerical simulation of three-component elastic wavefield in 2D TTI media in the condition of the combined boundary[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2011, 46(2): 187-195


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