
宗兆云, 印兴耀, 张繁昌

石油地球物理勘探 ›› 2011, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4) : 598-604,609.

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石油地球物理勘探 ›› 2011, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4) : 598-604,609.


  • 宗兆云, 印兴耀, 张繁昌
作者信息 +

Elastic impedance Bayesian inversion for lame parameters extracting

  • Zong Zhao-yun, Yin Xing-yao, Zhang Fan-chang
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文章历史 +




Lame parameters are much more sensitive and have an advantage over traditional elastic parameters such as velocity and density in reservoir prediction and hydrocarbon direct indication.Elastic impedance inversion as a practical seismic inversion methodology is extensively used for its amounts of information,high resolution and calculation efficiency.This paper realizes elastic inversion and lame parameter direct extracting with modified Cauchy distribution and spike sparse inversion method based on Gray approximation and Bayes theory.This method is capable to better restore sparseness of parameters and realize the direct abstracting for lame parameters,which leads to less affection of weak signal and less error brought by accumulating calculation compared with conventional elastic impedance inversion methods.Both model experiments and real examples show that this method is stable for research of heterogeneous media such as fracture-cavernous carbonate reservoir.


拉梅参数 / 弹性阻抗 / Gray近似 / 贝叶斯理论 / 非均匀介质

Key words

lame parameter / elastic impedance / Gray approximation / Bayes theory / heterogeneous media


宗兆云, 印兴耀, 张繁昌. 基于弹性阻抗贝叶斯反演的拉梅参数提取方法研究[J]. 石油地球物理勘探, 2011, 46(4): 598-604,609
Zong Zhao-yun, Yin Xing-yao, Zhang Fan-chang. Elastic impedance Bayesian inversion for lame parameters extracting[J]. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 2011, 46(4): 598-604,609
中图分类号: P631   


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